This is where all of our work on the rules will be saved. Topics include game function, discussion of syntax, strategy discussion, and naming conventions. The most up-to-date rules should be posted here.
Planets: In the setup step of the game each player places their planet cards onto the board. Each planet has a minimum population and resource score that must be met at the beginning of your turn to control the planet. Controlled planets produce resource and population counters equal to their P and R bonuses. If you control a planet you may place new units on it. Planets have a maximum amount of P and R counters they may hold. Planet Cards come in a variety of sub-types.
Terrestrial: Default Planet type.
Moon: Maximum 2 Location Cards.
Dwarf: Maximum 2 "Surface" Location Cards.
Asteroid Belt: Cannot hold "Orbital" Location Cards.
Gas Giant: Cannot hold "Surface" Location Cards.
Commands: Executed on your turn or your opponents turn unless otherwise stated. Play these cards by paying their resource cost. After they resolve put the card on the bottom of your deck.
Infantry: Infantry cannot attack Asteroid Belt or Gas Giant locations. Must be placed on a planet and may only move between planets via transport ships. Primarily used to defend planets and colonies, their power is proportional to the number of Population counters on the card. They have attack and defense characteristics. Population can be re-allocated to these cards on your turn. These cards stay in play as long as they have at least one population.
Mechs: This refers to any type of tank or robot. Must be placed on a planet and may only move between planets via transport ships unless otherwise stated. They typically have higher defense and attack ratings than infantry but cannot hold as many tokens as other units. Mechs stay in play as long as they have at least one resource token.
Ships: The only unit that can move through space by default. Some ships carry population tokens but all carry resource tokens. Ships stay in play as long as they have at least one resource token.
Locations: This category includes planetary sites and orbitals. Locations generally provide a static bonus to your planet or add a special ability. Locations can be declared as blockers only if they have defense characteristics. Locations remain in play so long as they have at least one resource counter.
SETUP: Both players agree on how many planets to place on the board (2-4 per player). Each player then puts his or her deck on the board. The amount of cards you are allowed is equal to 20+ 10 for each planet your played. For example if each player uses 3 planets, each deck will consist of 50 cards. Each player then rolls a D6. Winner decides who goes first, the turns then go around the board clockwise. You begin play with the minimum required P and R tokens on your home planet. Your home planet is the Planet card you placed closes to your board edge. All players draw five cards.
ACQUISITION STEP: At the beginning of your turn add population and resource tokens on each planet and location that you control equal to their P and R bonuses then draw a card. Counters that exceed the planet or location's maximum must be transferred to an adjacent card or lost. Any cards you control that require a cost per turn are payed on this step after tokens are collected. If you gained control of an enemy planet this turn, you also gain all tokens and locations left on that planet. Any card at a planet you control may be scrapped. This puts the card on the bottom of its owner's deck and reallocates all counters on the card to the controlled planet.
MANUFACTURE STEP: You may play any cards in your hand by paying their cost. Locations, Ships, Mechs, and Infantry must be placed on a planet you control. When you play a location, ship, mech, or infantry card all counters used to pay for that card are transferred to it. Counters that exceed the P or R maximum for that card are lost. You may also scrap cards on this turn. If a card has a randomized cost and you roll higher than you can afford it has no effect. Pay as much as possible and put that card on the bottom of your deck.
MOVEMENT STEP: Each unit you control that may move can do so on this turn. Ships can move from one planet to another. Infantry and Mechs may move to or from any location with the Transport rule. Infantry, mechs, population, and resources can be added and removed freely from transports, planets, and locations on this turn. Each ship may move once each turn to a neighboring planet. If the planet is friendly or unoccupied you may reallocate resources and troops to that planet. If you moved any units to a planet occupied by an enemy or containing enemy units, proceed to the combat step.
Attacking: Any ships you moved to an enemy planet count as attacks at those planets. Any units transported in attacking ships may be used as attacks.
Blocking: The nominate units on their planet to intercept attackers. Multiple blockers can be assigned to the same attacker.
Damage: Interceptors damage attackers. Simultaneously attackers deal damage to a unit intercepting them. Unimpeded attackers deal damage to the planet.
Damage is determined as follows: (attack) - (defense) = (damage). Damage is removed from infantry and planets in the form of resource tokens. Damage is removed from ships, mechs, and locations in the form of resource tokens.
Resolution: Mechs, locations, and ships with no resource counters, as well as infantry with no population counters are put on the bottom of their owner's decks. If an attacked planet no longer has the minimum population or resource tokens on it the defending player looses control of the planet. When a player looses control of their planet they remove all Infantry, Mechs, and Ships on that planet and put them on the bottom of their deck. If the defending player still controls the planet the attacker's units move back the their original positions. If any player controls no planets, they loose the game.
CLOSING STEP: If there are more than five cards in your hand put cards on the bottom of your library until you have five cards in hand. The turn passes to your left. That player begins with his or her Acquisition Step.
Transport (x): This card may carry "x" number of cards. Only Infantry and Mechs may be transported unless stated otherwise. Stack these cards on top of the ship transporting them. Transported units may attack planets as their transport attacks. Transported units may only intercept units that their transport is intercepting.
Stealth: Cards with the stealth rule may not be targeted by effects from cards unless otherwise noted. Stealth units damage other units before they receive damage. The attack power of the opposing unit is calculated after tokens have been removed. If a stealth unit has a special combat ability it takes effect before regular damage is resolved.
Fast(x): Units that are fast may make an additional "x" moves each turn.
Subspace (x): When these ships move they may move past "x" number of planets.
Homing: When this card attacks a planet you may assign damage to any one infantry, ship, mech, or location card.
Produces (x/y): During your Acquisition Step add "x" Population and "y" Resource counters.
(x)P: Remove "x" Population counters from the card to use an ability.
(x)R: Remove "x" Resource counters from the card to use an ability.
"R/P" Die: This represents an amount of dice on a card. Counters must always be consolidated to the fewest die possible. For example: a planet that holds 7 P has one die with 6 counters, and one die with 1 counter. If an ability requires that you remove a Die
(x)D6: Roll "x" six sided dice and add the result.
Adjacent: This refers to cards that are on the same Planet as the card in question.
Neighboring: This refers to cards that are on a Planet next to the card in question.
Scrap: Scrapping can be done to any non-planet card. This is done during the Acquisition Step. Remove all Counters from the card and put it on the bottom of your deck.
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